Sunday, February 27, 2011

I went through my feedreader today....

I dropped about 90 blogs that are no longer active off my list. I remember many of them fondly too. I was sad to see so many blogs that had just gone inactive. I wonder when it will be time for people to stop following me, will they remember me fondly or just see that I haven't posted in so long they should just clear me off to make room. It makes you think.....


Soph/Elsen said...

This is something I've been doing over the weekend when trying to bulk out and round out my resource lists.
It's painful to move so many in to the "no longer updated" field.
I'm dreading getting to my Priest section and having to move Righteous Orbs!

Mister K said...

I know, I actually couldn't drop Righteous Orbs, I will hold out hope for a return one day, stranger things have happened

Christine said...

Hey Mister K nice to see you back posting again, well i never been really active lately either. busy with school and some guild issues at the moment from social member to applicant and dont know how long ill be raiding and talk something about World of Warcraft sometimes my blog just too general to talk about either my in game experience now or real life. lolx anyway, nice to see you still online. take care!

Mister K said...

Thanks for the update Christine!! good to hear you're doing good :)