Friday, December 16, 2011
Getting my new place setup is sweet, but...
K Out!
Monday, December 12, 2011
I am so ready for SWTOR
K Out!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The Old Beta..
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
I actually have stuff to talk about!
Secondly I got a spot in that beta everybody's talking about but as the download speed here is not the fastest I ma on my second day of downloading the client and will still be downloading while enjoy my turkey dinner tomorrow. I will be most thankful if I am able to get in and play at all/ I would love to just create a bunch of characters to see what I like the best although I feel like Imperial Agent is calling my name. I find this mildly surprising as I couldn't play a rogue in WOW to save my life but the IA just looks like so much fun with the sneakiness and exploding bots.
I also got Fallen Earth updated for the first time in three months and have been playing it a little bit. I love the post apocalyptic world and it is such a cool place and the crafting is still crazy awesome but I get overwhelmed in that game because I want to do so much but my resources seem limited. Its basically the gist of the game but we'll see.
I almost forgot I even logged into WOW on a free account because someone reminded me they redid the Troll starting area. I only did one quest because that's about all that I can handle WOW but it seemed cool. I might log in once and awhile just to reminisce.
Well that's enough for now. If I get any playtime in the beta I'll try to post my thoughts on it.
K Out!
Friday, November 11, 2011
You have been selected to test... is temporarily unavailable as we are experiencing extremely high traffic. Please check back again soon!
Now if this was the first test they failed, lol. You would think being able to keep your own page up would be one of the first things to do, but they're new. Blizzards page used to crash all the time when they were down while people were checking realm status so nothing to see here please move along.I am kind of getting excited though. I'll have my own spaceship!!
K Out!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
So they gave me a free week of WOW and...
Sunday, October 9, 2011
I Am Informative....
K Out!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Fun Stuff on the Internet
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Miss Me?
K Out!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Nothing much to report
I have spent very little time gaming the last few weeks. I ran a 5k last week and did some training for that. Work has been extra crazy so that hasn't made it easy. I have also started the process of looking to buy a house so I spend quite a bit of time looking at houses and calculating my finances. So when I get some time I will get some gaming on and get back to blogging but when that is? No Idea, so have some fun out there for me.
K Out!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
So Free2Play WOW, things must be rough at Activision
I just read this article 'World of Warcraft' ... your first hit is now free over at MSNBC. I know WOW has been bleeding subscribers left and right but this seems like a drastic move unless they are planning on announcing their new MMO this year. The first 20 levels free is quite a ploy. I am curious what other limits they are going to impose on the F2P players. It is amazing though, I bet it will get those subscriber numbers up pretty quick because a lot of people will play just because its free. I mean WOW is probably the most polished and accessible MMO out so getting people in the door is really the key. I started on the trial way back when and got hooked in for years, if this lets people do low level pvp and and mail stuff and join guilds they may be on to something if it is limited like their trial membership then I don't think it will make much of a difference in the long run. Its not enough to get me to sub back in but I was just given 7 free days so who knows stranger things have happened.
K Out!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Still around, mostly lurking
I am still playing Fallen Earth! It just keeps me coming back. the crafting that keeps running even when your logged off is a nice change. It takes a little getting used to not getting your crafted items quickly but being able to craft while your out and about or to queue up a bunch of stuff and log off and then its done when you log back on is awesome. I am playing 2 toons so I haven't really moved up in levels much they are 8 and 10. I have mostly been working the quests and geeking out on the crafting. I haven't even gotten in a group for anything yet but I might try some of the PVP before I move to the next bracket. I am curious how it works. Whats everyone else up to a lot of the blogs I follow have been real quiet lately too. I guess I have to pick up some of the slack, lol. Have fun out there whatever you play
K Out!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Look at me!!

I've been working my way along in Fallen Earth. I started my first toon in a little toon called Midway and at level 8 am working in Odenville. Most of my gear is crafted. The crafting system in this game is so deep and I spend as much time trying to get mats for crafting as I do doing quests.
Also thats my horse in the back ground, lol.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Servers are down....
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
I found some Fallen Earth Resource Sites (sorta...)
There are a couple of sites that show promise for Fallen Earth but it looks like they have not been updated much lately. The Last Bunker is a item database in the vein a wowhead but there hasn't been much activity or updates in the last 6 months. The Fallen Earth Wiki is another site with some good information but looks to have fallen behind by about that much time too. If I really get into this game full bore I am thinking of contributing to The Last Bunker at least, it doesn't even have a listing for Burning Cactus, that just seems wrong to me, lol. Well we'll see how it goes. I did get to level 6 though go me. Have fun out there!
K Out!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
You can never escape: Extended Maintenance :(
Monday, May 30, 2011
The Apocalypse has called me back!
I have long wanted to give Fallen Earth another shot as I had tried the trial a while back but was still too deep into my WOW addiction to really give it a chance. Its lack of polish at the time was also slightly off-putting but I did enjoy parts of it and wish I could have supported it along with WOW. Well I figured now that I am not playing WOW I would give it another try and I have to say the game is much more polished. I also was surprised at how lively it was there is a fairly good sized community on most of the time, and everyone seems really helpful. I have been having trouble finding resources outside the game that are up to date though, where is the wowhead for Fallen Earth. I will have to say though the variety of options available in game is probably enough to get me to sub for a little while and see if I can get into the game. More to come on my "first" impressions and screenshots as soon as I figure out how to take them lol.
K Out!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Its not even the same game anymore...
I decided to see if I could bring up any nostalgic moments in game before my sub ran out so I went to the area I probably spent my most time in game the Western Plaguelands. I used to spend hours killing undead there, it wasn't so much farming as I was a Paladin and back in the day when pallies had such a limited arsenal the extra attacks against undead made me feel like a badass. I loved killing undead, it was my one true passion in game all the way into Icecrown. Well Sorrow Hill where I spent so much time killing has finally been cleared, and you can basically just walk up to Araj the Summoner without even trying. That made me sad to see. I used to go in with all my toons who could barely hack it in the plaguelands and do surgical strikes on the undead until I could clear a path to him. A true test of skill. I would even work with horde doing the same thing on my old pvp server, such was my hate for the undead. I don't even recognize the game I played for so long anymore. Now don't get me wrong the new leveling quests are fun and the game needed a makeover something fierce but, I think it lost some of its heart and soul over the years. You look at each patch and the nerfs are not usually that significant but if you go back somewhere you have not been in quite a while the complete lack of challenge in certain areas that used to be true tests is really disappointing to me. Well I guess I had one more rant in me after all lol. We'll see what I do going forward from here Thanks for reading.
K Out!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
I am paid up for only 2 more days
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Small Adjustments, with more on the horizon
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Being on call is a drag
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
I haven't looked at Wowheroes in months
Monday, March 28, 2011
Youbethca is 82!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Wow 6 posts in a month I must be enjoying the scenery again
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Its weird not knowing what to do
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Mining for XP :)
I still dig it, I may level my new DK strictly with mining and incidental combat (leave me alone mob standing 20 feet from the mine you can't mine it anyways). Its fun just running around listening in guild chat and just enjoying the game again. I am pretty sure I am gonna transfer my Shammy over to be my feeder toon. He is still only 80 but I like playing him and I am pretty good at it so if I put in a little effort I might be a decent backup lol. Who needs cannon fodder "We Do, We Do!!" I only have one plan and thats to have fun, everything else is gravy boats.
K Out!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Todays JC Daily: Nibbler No!
I don't know if its the same for everyone on the server or if its random for everyone. I decided to log over on to my old toons to see what I was doing and figured I would at least do the JC daily. It was easy so that was a bonus :) Mostly it makes me wonder what I am going to do. I am really enjoying the new leveling so I will keep going on my new toons but it would be nice to have a toon I could think about getting ready for raiding. I am wondering what role I would best provide and still have fun? I have extensive experience in endgame content as a prot/ret pally but I have almost zero interest in playing him right now. I have also done some raiding as Elem/Enhc Shammy, Boomkin/Tree, and Disc/Holy priest. I have also maxed out every class except rogue its a very interesting conundrum really. The Boomkin is 85 and pretty far along in enchanting everything else is in 80/81 limbo. Well I will see how it goes, have fun out there everyone.
K Out!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Back in the game!
Well I logged back in setup my addons and created a couple new characters over on Grimms server. I am now a member of Eff the Ineffable. It seems like an awesome place to hang out, guild chat was busy without being annoying, everybody seemed pretty cool and there are some much more well known bloggers than me. I almost had a bit of a Fanboy moment when I heard who one of our guildies was, but I restrained myself. I was shocked someone in the guild besides Grimm had actually heard of me. First time in game someone I didn't know or contact first actually had heard of me. I have to admit that was kind of cool. So we will see how the return to the world (of warcraft) goes but for now fun is the rule, and tonight was pretty fun. I ran thorough the new Gnome starting area which is pretty well done if I must say, a little short compared to the newest races but you can't have everything lol. I am not quite ready to commit to transferring anything over but we'll see how it goes. So anyways, its good to be back
K Out!
Monday, March 7, 2011
So I re-installed Wow...
Yet I haven't logged back in yet. Why you ask, well thanks for asking but I don't know. I was given a invitation to join in some fun with one of my old guild mates that I am seriously considering. I even got my addons installed yet I haven't logged in to get them all setup how I like them so I will have to do that first. So I am almost ready to go, I just have to figure out what that means to me.
K Out!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
I went through my feedreader today....
Saturday, February 26, 2011
So I need to re-install Wow
I actually have not had Wow installed for over a week now. I had to re-image my PC because I could not install or un-install any software. I have obviously been spending time getting my PC back how I like it but if I really had wanted too I could have gotten it done by now. I have been waiting for that real urge to play that I had when I would go to midnight releases and take days off of work to play new content. Now, looking at that last statement maybe its healthier not to do that but I never let it consume me completely it was always just a lot of fun. I seem to be missing that. My friends are split all over different servers and my current guild hasn't done anything new yet I have lost my desire to level alts like I used too. I just don't enjoy it as much. I am paid up through the middle of April I think so I am sure I will get back on soon enough but I just don't care as much as I used too. I hope everyone else out there is still enjoying themselves.
K Out
Monday, January 31, 2011
You know what can get a post out of me: World Server Down
I was trying to do my daily ritual of logging in long enough to do the JC'ing daily and then see if I feel like doing anything else (99% of the time this last month that has been a no). I did get mistrk to 81 strictly from mining runs to feed my JC who also got to 81 just by doing the daily, its a good relationship :). I have done a little on my shammy and warrior who are both about half way to 81, one in each of the starting zones. I do like one quest at a time, lol. I have made about 10k gold from selling gems without really trying so that has been for the good. I spent some of that leveling my enchanting but not a lot because those mats are still outrageous. I am curious, why am I just not into the game right now? Is it because the group isn't doing anything, is it because my sponser into the guild has jumped ship (for very good reasons, I don't blame him, I'm just saying), I actually recruited half my old guild to come with me and now I am never on. I feel a little bad about that but not bad enough to force me to play more, hahaha. Is it because I stopped tanking, I never really thought of that but I have not tanked anything since the burnout got me and I used to love tanking, the challenges of it really pushed me in game. Maybe I'll have to tank something and see if it brings back the old spark a little bit.
K Out!