It took a couple tries (we been working on him for a couple weeks now, lol), but he's down. We even poked Putricide in the nose a couple times to see what he was like. One of the really good things I think about taking ICC at our own pace it is that we are nowhere near looking at burnout yet. I see a bunch of bloggers complaining about it and I can understand if you are in a pro guild and plowed through everything then that could happen. I would much rather be doing it this way. We are having a great time (at least I am), and we get to spend a few nights a week with our friends killing bosses. I think we even have a legitimate shot at LK before Cata comes out. Will it be before the 35% buff, I don't know, but I don't care. So sure that will mean we are not as pro as the guilds that have done it already but as hard as some of these fights are I am going to be ecstatic no matter when it happens. So many of these fights are coordination and timing fights anyway that the gear only goes so far. So good job team!! We are kicking *** and taking names in our own way!